EcoPrasinos Engineering provides Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), known as S2M (Solution to Management). S2M is a platform for document management and project collaboration between team members, Client and Contractor.

The system is customization with the need of any project specific requirement. Major components in S2M includes management, document submission with external parties and workflow processing. The function of S2M includes capture, storage, classification, indexing, versioning, maintenance, user security and retention of documents.

Our Services

Document Approval

  1. Document Workflow
    • Document/Drawing Checking
    • Inter-Discipline Checking
    • Issue for Comment
    • Transmittal
  2. Document Review and Update
  3. E-Form/E-Register
  4. Email Notification

Document Control

  1. Check in/out
  2. Grant Permission
  3. Access Control/Security
  4. Tracking Policies
  5. Version History/ Control
  6. Revision/ Numbering Control

Document Editing Feature

  1. Digital Signature
  2. Document Watermark

Search Capability

  1. Search Index Content ( PDF and Ms. Office)

Email Archive

  1. Synchronize with Ms. Outlook
  2. Email Archive within S2M
  3. Search Email
  4. Share Email with Other People

Reporting S-Curve

  1. Auto Generate S-Curve Chart

Social Media

  1. Forum and Wiki Page

Compatibility and Accessibility

  1. Compatible across multiple devices
  2. 24/7 available to access

Security and Antivirus

  1. Firewall Protection
  2. HTTPS SSL Certificate

Single Sign On Quality

Management System

  1. Control the Document Numbering
  2. Ensure the Document Workflow is being performed
  3. QA/QC Audit and Status Purpose